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Resource: Alien Electronics

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Resource Name:Joes Buying Price:Store Selling Price:Store Selling Name:
Alien Electronics 15,198 3,500 Alien
Player Market Details
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JDN Primary Coupler
Isophased NaniteAlien AJL Part 1
Alien Control SystemAlien Power Adaptor
Hymit Focus UnitDusot Target Scanner
Alien Tantas Scan Limit ExpanderAlien Cine Scan Limit Expander
Alien Vorser Scan Limit ExpanderAlien Chiryn Scan Limit Expander
Ulam Load DetectorYetrim High Cap Unit
Batak MultiphaseXenos Tractor Unit
Alien Livor Wreck HC LaserAlien Haine Wreck HC Laser
Alien Heed Wreck HC LaserAlien Aleon Wreck HC Laser
Entana Alien Salvage ScannerOskali Alien Salvage Scanner
Sching Alien Salvage ScannerPheen Alien Salvage Scanner
Guild Module 1Guild Module 2
Guild Module 3Guild Module 4
Guild Module 5Guild Module 6
Guild Module 7Guild Module 8
Biotis Pulse DetectorPumuls Data Collection
Daffat Guild Data AnalyserGrot Frequency Scanner
Pjarl Pulse DetectorTullot Frequency Scanner
Brem Wide Spectrum SensorAlien Wide Spectrum System T1
Alien Wide Spectrum System T2IF I1
Pheen Induction ProcessorElement Alignment Beam
Delast Beam Control UnitLibien Omni-Plasma Focus Lens
Rhybeck Heavy ManipulatorOremy Plasma Cannon
Oremy Duel Node PulsarOremy Quadra Pulsar
Oremy 1-A Salvage Cutter - Type COremy 1-B Salvage Cutter - Type C

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